HIAS Webinar – Robotics in the AI era: Opportunities for Innovation in Greece

HIAS announces its first webinar, in partnership with the National technical University of Athens (NTUA)

Robotics in the AI era: Opportunities for Innovation in Greece
Date: Friday, February 25th 2022, 17:00 Athens time

Webinar Link: https://grnet.zoom.us/j/68636410762
Live Streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-MHC_3N7jQ

Aim: to inform young and early stage researchers (undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers) on global robotics trends and related emerging research and business opportunities. The speakers are academics – researchers with significant activity abroad and entrepreneurs with relevant activity in Greece.

The event is co-organized by: L. Kavraki (Rice U.) – Κ. Kyriakopoulos (NTUA) – A. Boudouvis (NTUA) – G. Pappas (U. Pennsylvania)


 Topic  Speaker
17:00  Introduction  Lydia Kavraki Professor, Rice Univ
17:15  Aerial Robots 


 Kostas Alexis,  Professor, NTNU
17:30  Dimitris Stefanakis, CEO & Co founder, UCANDRONE SA
17:45  Autonomous Vehicles & Systems 


 Margarita Chli, Professor, ETH Zurich
18:00  Katerina   Fragkiadaki, Assis. Prof., Carnegie Mellon
18:15  Human-oriented Robotics  Panos Artemiadis, Assoc. Prof., Univ. Delaware
18:30  Agricultural Robots  Stavros Vougioukas, Professor, UC  Davis
18:45  Industrial Robots  Evangelos   Theodorou, CEO, Theodorou Group
19:00  Marine Robots  Michael   Triantafyllou, Professor, Director MIT, Sea-Grant Program
19:15  Summary &   Conclusions  George Pappas, Professor, Univ.   Pennsylvania

Flyer (in Greek)